Herbal consultation involves a taking of full case history including presenting symptoms, present medication, supplementation, diet and lifestyle. All onsite herbal & nutrition consultations include iridology. An iris picture provides further understanding of the strengths & weaknesses of the patient. Please do not wear contact lenses on the day of consultation. Online consultations can include iridology if a clear iris photo is provided in advance.
RECOVERY PLAN – The focus of the healing protocol is decided by careful consideration of all collected information and with this a detailed nutrition & lifestyle plan is provided together with personalised herbal formulas. These herbal formulas can be in the form of tinctures, powders, teas or capsules.
SUPPORT – A first consultation lasts approx 1.5hrs and follow up 1hr. Herbs are posted or collected within a few days of the consultation. The cost of the herbs are additional to the herbal consultation fee. Outside of consultation times I put in many additional hours on a case preparing personalised reports and designing and mixing formulas in the dispensary. Individuals also have unlimited email support mid appointments. Prices listed for consultation & herbs take this into account. 30min phone consultation can be booked for general check in or advice without written support. Click on the box below to get details.
SUCCESS – When patients follow advice & takes herbal formulas provided there is a very high success rate. People are generally asked to commit to 3 consultations to see real and lasting change. Repeat prescriptions do not require a consultation & can be ordered by phone.
PRICING – You should allow for approx. €15 – €35 per week for personalised herbal formulas & or supplements when attending clinic. Plse FAQ’s for a general price list. If you are on a budget discuss this in advance. Use Code reducedfee if booking for a child or student. (Valid for First consults only)
Book consultation below :

Herbal Consultation with Siobhán Shinnors, Master Medical Herbalist, Iridologist & Vital Nutritionist.

Master Medical Herbalist Tradition is the practise of phytomedicine or botanical medicine. It requires a minimum of 4 years training plus 600 clinic hours. Subjects studied include plant chemistry, botany, human sciences and clinical sciences, vitalist nutritional principles and materia medica. This qualifies the graduate to dispense herbs, create personalised formulas, give consideration to pharmaceutical drug interactions as well as advise on nutritional needs. This means treating the whole patient not just the symptoms, with a focus on coming back to full health.
Thursday: 9.30 A.M. – 7 P.M.
Friday Evening – By Request!
Saturday: 9 A.M. – 5 P.M.