antibiotic tablets

Herbs: Avoiding Antibiotics

Taking antibiotics when you are sick is suppressing an important message your body is telling you. We are surrounded by bacteria & viruses constantly yet it is only when our bodies defense is low can we pick up a bug. The stronger our immune system the less likely we are to be infected and even when we ‘get the bug’, it is short lived and no antibiotics are necessary. Constant infection means an adjustment in lifestyle/eating habits to address the imbalance.

Caisearbhán (Irish)

Herbs: The Power of the Dandelion

The Dandelion has always been a flower I feel very connected to. I remember using it on warts as children and the funny names given to it. I mostly like it for its stunning colour. This year was a great year for Dandelions they were bigger, brighter and more beautiful then I can ever remember. They have been part of my juicing regime for many years now, which is how I discovered their power in clearing up blemished skin. A few days of juicing the leaves of dandelion and you will see a noticeable improvement with any skin condition. A cleaner iris picture is also evident.


Musing on Mindfulness

Mindfulness seems to be the new buzzword popping up everywhere, Schools, Hospitals and local community centres. Mindfulness is a translation from the Sanskrit word Sati, meaning to be in the moment and aware of the present. It seems a contradiction that the translation was interpreted as mindfulness as opposed to mindlessness or perhaps Embodied Living might be better again. To be practising present moment awareness in any scenario, all our senses need to be engaged.

Yoga classes Limerick

Yoga is More Than Exercise

Yoga is not just an exercise.
It is so much more than that. There are so many physiological changes going on as we move and breathe in unison. The steady rhythmical breath is the key to joining the mind, emotions to action.
Yoga Postures without observation of the breath is not yoga. It is therefore very important that we have a good understanding of the character of our breath and of breathing techniques from the onset of yoga practise.

Breathe, Move, and Meditate

Breathe, Move, and Meditate with Siobhán Shinnors

A yoga practise increases vitality when it is reflecting our current needs, whether this is to cope with an injury or support a stressful period, an athlete looking to improve performance or a student undergoing exams. On completion of a beginners yoga course with Siobhán Shinnors (YogaHerbalist), a student will have enough knowledge to do a routine of core postures correctly and safely and begin the journey of practising yoga intuitively.