Use Your Power Blender Wisely!
When I work with clients there is often a dilemma of recommending a juicer or nutri bullet (power blender). The person with a sweet tooth will prefer the power blender and then favour an all fruit blend. This is not ideal if they present with gut health issues or symptoms of high blood sugar levels. This simple green smoothie should be used as a balance to the sweeter smoothies. A nutrition powder from your herbalist can also be added to this blend.
Green Smoothie
An alkalising green smoothie that positively affects blood sugars and gut flora!
1 Stick Celery
1 Large Kale leaf
1 fistful of Fresh Coriander
1 nugget of Ginger
1 tsp Coriander seeds or 1/2 tsp powder
½ Cup Apple Juice or Orange Juice (organic)
1 Cup Water
3 Tbsp Sunflower or Pumpkin Seeds
1 Tbsp cold pressed oil
If using organic oranges can include pinch of chopped rind (anti viral, anti inflammatory)
- Coriander or cilantro is a phenomenal herb with records of its use dating back to the 9th century & found buried with ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. It has an abundant of Vitamin A and K and has a relaxing effect (anxiolytic) on the mind. It is a powerful blood cleanser and blood builder as it is rich in chlorophyll & quercetin. Studies show the seed balances blood sugar by improving insulin resistance states making it ideal for those working with prediabetic states[ii]. Coriander seed is also used to balance thyroid function and improve cholesterol readings.

Herbalist, Nutritionist, Iridologist and Yoga Therapy

Herbalist, Nutritionist, Iridologist and Yoga Therapy