Excellent Food to manage cholesterol, brain, skin & bone health, High in Protein & GLA. “GLA deficiency may be linked to psoriasis, eczema, acne, heavy menses & IBS.”

Recipe: Almond Hemp Protein Dessert

Recipe by Yoga Herbalist



  • ½ Cup of soaked Almonds

  • 1 Tbsp Desiccated Coconut

  • 2 Tbsp Hemp Protein Power

  • 1 Tsp Lacuma Powder

  • Date Syrup

  • 1 Tsp Cinnamon

  • Pistachio Nuts

  • A few drops Vanilla Essence


  • Soak almonds overnight. Drain and remove their skins. Add all ingredients except the date syrup, pistachio and half cinnamon) to a container with half glass water and blend to a creamy consistency.
  • Place in a serving bowl or glass & drizzle generously with date syrup. Sprinkle with cinnamon & pistachio

    Nutritional Information

    • Almond is the only nut that alkalises the body, all other nuts acidify.[i] In Ayurvedic medicine it is revered for its ability to support the reproductive system, particularly in men by improving sperm count. Almonds can be eaten raw as a snack but those with a weak digestion should soak them overnight first & remove the skins as this activates the enzymes & increases their nutrient value. Like all nuts they are an excellent source of plant protein while being particularly high in Vitamin E & Manganese. They are also a rich in flavanols, antioxidants and are known to help with managing cholesterol & there are many discussions on its potential benefits for brain health & Alzheimer’s[ii]. The high quantity of manganese may also explain it benefits in cholesterol & brain health.
    • Hemp is a complete plant protein with all 20 amino acids. It is also a generous supply of essential fatty acids omegas 3 & 6 including GLA (gamma linoleic acid) the most precious of all fats and only found in few foods (spirulina, evening primrose & borage for example). We eat an abundance of omega 6 (polyunsaturated fats) & not nearly enough omega 3’s unless you are eating large quantities of fish & that in itself has its risks. Hemp has a healthy ratio of omega 3’s to 6. GLA deficiency may be linked to psoriasis, eczema, acne, heavy menses & IBS. Hemp Protein does not contain THC the psychoactive component of the marijuana plant.
    Siobhan Shinnors

    Siobhan Shinnors

    Herbalist, Nutritionist, Iridologist and Yoga Therapy

    Siobhan Shinnors

    Siobhan Shinnors

    Herbalist, Nutritionist, Iridologist and Yoga Therapy

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