Salads & Enzymes during Winter! Many people with digestive issues have poor gastric juices and absorption rates. This winter salad gives your digestion a break from high carb choices during the colder months. It offers high inulin to feed your gut flora and nutrient high content with enzymes in tact due to it percentage of raw ingredients thus unburdening the digestive system. Image from cafe sucre farine (not recipe).
Recipe: Warm Winter Salad
1 Yellow Pepper
Punnet of organic cherry tomatoes
1 fistful of Fresh Coriander or Parsley
1 onion
1 nugget of Ginger
1 tsp Coriander seeds or 1/2 tsp powder
Pre roasted squash, parsnip.
1 1/2 cups of cooked chickpeas
1 Cup Water
3 Tbsp Sunflower or Pumpkin Seeds
Coconut Fat & garlic – for roasting vegetables
Olive oil
- Ideally soak and cook the chickpeas fresh dried, otherwise heat 3/4 tin. optional leave them warm with a little curry powder and salt for extra flavour.
- Slice your ingredients finely in strips or halves
- Add Olive oil chopped herbs and ground herbs
- Add 5 -7g of pink or grey salt.
- Mix well and put all ingredients in the oven on low heat for 5 minutes for extra warmth if necessary
- Serves 2 -3 hungry people or 4 as a side. Can place on a bed of rice, quinoa, millet for a bigger meal.

Herbalist, Nutritionist, Iridologist and Yoga Therapy

Herbalist, Nutritionist, Iridologist and Yoga Therapy