Calcium SeaSalad

Calcium SeaSalad

This balanced & nutrient rich salad is especially recommended to those wanting to increase their calcium and iron levels, while also offering a protein salad combo to their weekly options.

Semolina Pudding for IBS

Semolina Pudding for IBS

This breakfast pudding is high in mucilage and great for gastro reflux. Taken daily it will improve conditions of the digestive system. Click to read more!!

antibiotic tablets

Herbs: Avoiding Antibiotics

Taking antibiotics when you are sick is suppressing an important message your body is telling you. We are surrounded by bacteria & viruses constantly yet it is only when our bodies defense is low can we pick up a bug. The stronger our immune system the less likely we are to be infected and even when we ‘get the bug’, it is short lived and no antibiotics are necessary. Constant infection means an adjustment in lifestyle/eating habits to address the imbalance.

Dinner for Vegetarian Child

Recipes: Dinner for Vegetarian Child

It is no secret that children don’t like fussy food. Especially when they are younger they often prefer mono foods i.e. to eat one type of food at a time. This is a simple yet nutritious recipe for a growing child. It will give slow burning fuel, plenty of fibre and protein rich. It also contains healthy doses of the important vitamins including calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.