recipe Milled Cereal Breakfast

Milled Cereal Breakfast

Rich in minerals and antioxidants. The first foods you eat after your nightly fast are very important. So make it count with this great high protein recipe.

Nori Wraps
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Nori Wraps

Seaweeds are genuine Irish superfoods with an abundance of minerals and calcium. In fact, they are far better source of calcium than milk. Clinical research shows that dairy products have little or no benefit for bones[i]. Instead leafy greens, beans and seaweeds are far better sources as they provide other partner nutrients to help with uptake. Dilisk is also rich in iodine, plus iron and zinc as well as being very high in calcium[iii].

Sunflower Breakfast Pudding

Recipe: Sunflower Breakfast Pudding

Gluten Free, Yeast Free, High in Protein & Omega’s, Highly assimilable for those with digestive issues.
Sunflower seeds are rich in selenium, vitamin E (natural antioxidant) and magnesium natures own calcium channel blocker and therefore excellent food for the nerves, high blood pressure, cramps and migraine headaches to name a few.

Dinner for Vegetarian Child

Recipes: Dinner for Vegetarian Child

It is no secret that children don’t like fussy food. Especially when they are younger they often prefer mono foods i.e. to eat one type of food at a time. This is a simple yet nutritious recipe for a growing child. It will give slow burning fuel, plenty of fibre and protein rich. It also contains healthy doses of the important vitamins including calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.

Raw Coconut Cheesecake

Recipe: Raw Coconut Cheesecake

Add one tablespoon of vanilla essence and mix well with a spoon.
Transfer to a blender and add remaining ingredients and blend until a smooth consistency. Should be something like custard. Measurement for the sweetener should be added according to taste. So add in blend and taste and continue to add until happy.
Spoon this mixture onto the base and place in the fridge for a minimum of two hours.
Sprinkle with desiccated coconut and /or cocoa nibs
Can also make two layers above base one without cocoa and a thin layer with the chocolate finish
Sit back and enjoy with a cup of peppermint tea.