Healthy Chocolates

Healthy Chocolates

Cocoa is a superfood and a complete food for bones and nerves. It is rich in iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, calcium, phosphorous and important amino acids.

Nettle & Amaranth Calcium Soup
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Recipe: Nettle & Amaranth Calcium Soup

Amaranth is a complete protein as it contains all the amino acids. Both amaranth & nettles are high in calcium. Nettles are also rich in iron and have natural antihistamine properties. If you are one of the 1 in 5 Irish people suffer from hay fever this soup will improve your symptoms. The combination with other important ingredients is nourishing for the whole musculature & nervous system. Note: When nettles have gone to seed half the quantity as the seed (excellent adrenal tonic) is quite stimulating and the minerals in the nettles more concentrated.

Caisearbhán (Irish)

Herbs: The Power of the Dandelion

The Dandelion has always been a flower I feel very connected to. I remember using it on warts as children and the funny names given to it. I mostly like it for its stunning colour. This year was a great year for Dandelions they were bigger, brighter and more beautiful then I can ever remember. They have been part of my juicing regime for many years now, which is how I discovered their power in clearing up blemished skin. A few days of juicing the leaves of dandelion and you will see a noticeable improvement with any skin condition. A cleaner iris picture is also evident.